Source code for hdrstats.hdrstats

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"""dat parsing and statistical analysis."""
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import softmax
import numpy as np
import sys
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from hdrstats import __version__

[docs]def corr_header(lin=True, spearman=False, pearson=False, pvals=True, rbc=False, rmse=False, rrmse=False, mae=False, rmae=False, msd=False, rmsd=False, **kwargs): """generate headers for corr_calc""" out = [] if lin: out += ['r^2', 'p'] if spearman: out += ['spearman_rho', 'spearman_pval'] if pearson: out += ['pearson_rho', 'pearson_pval'] if rbc: out += ['rank_biserial', 'wilcoxon_pval'] if not pvals: out = out[0::2] if rmse: out += ['RMSE'] if mae: out += ['MAE'] if rrmse: out += ['RMSE_relative'] if rmae: out += ['MAE_relative'] if msd: out += ['MSD'] if rmsd: out += ['MSD_relative'] return out
[docs]def rel_error(x, y): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): return np.where(np.abs(x) > 0, y/x - 1, np.where(np.abs(y) > 0, 1, 0))
[docs]def corr_calc(x, y, lin=True, spearman=False, pearson=False, pvals=True, rbc=False, rmse=False, rrmse=False, mae=False, rmae=False, msd=False, rmsd=False, **kwargs): """calculate correlations between pairs of data""" out = [] x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) if lin: slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y) out += [r_value**2, p_value] if spearman: rho, pval2 = stats.spearmanr(x,y) out += [rho, pval2] if pearson: rho, pval2 = stats.pearsonr(x,y) out += [rho**2, pval2] if rbc: T, p = stats.wilcoxon(x, y) rbc = abs(2*(T/sum(range(len(y)+1))-.5)) out += [rbc, p] if not pvals: out = out[0::2] if rmse: err = (np.sum((y-x)**2)/len(x))**.5 out += [err] if mae: err = np.sum(np.abs(y-x))/len(x) out += [err] if rrmse: rerr = rel_error(x, y) err = (np.sum(rerr**2)/len(x))**.5 out += [err] if rmae: rerr = rel_error(x, y) err = np.sum(np.abs(rerr))/len(x) out += [err] if msd: err = np.sum(y-x)/len(x) out += [err] if rmsd: rerr = rel_error(x, y) err = np.sum(rerr)/len(x) out += [err] return out
[docs]def qq(x, y): """calculate qq plot data""" x = stats.rankdata(x) y = stats.rankdata(y) return np.stack((x,y)).T
[docs]def g_err(a, b, c, sigma, scale=1.0, conf=.95, zero=False): """apply kernel density estimate from b to c at a""" n = stats.norm(loc=a, scale=sigma) weights = n.pdf(b) if np.sum(weights) > 0: mu = np.average(c, weights=weights) if zero: sigma2 = np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(c), weights=weights)) else: sigma2 = np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(c - mu), weights=weights)) interval = stats.norm.interval(conf, loc=mu, scale=sigma2) ssize = np.sum(weights)*scale*len(b)/np.sum(b) err = (interval[1]- interval[0])/(2*np.sqrt(ssize)) else: mu = 0 ssize = 0 err = 1 print(f'KD is insufficient at {a}', file=sys.stderr) return mu, mu - err, mu + err, ssize
[docs]def g_ssize(a, b, sigma): n = stats.norm(loc=a, scale=sigma) ssize = np.sum(n.pdf(b))*len(b)*sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/np.sum(b) return ssize
[docs]def kde_cont(b, resample=None, ksigma=None): if ksigma is None: sigma = np.sqrt(np.cov(b)*len(b)**(-.4)) else: sigma = ksigma if resample is None: samples = b.reshape(-1, 1) else: samples = np.asarray(resample).reshape(-1, 1) ssize = np.apply_along_axis(g_ssize, 1, samples, b, sigma) return np.vstack((samples.flatten(), ssize)).T
[docs]def error_cont(b, adif, rdif, scale=1, resample=None, ksigma=None): """calculate continuous moving average of error (adif, rdif) based on the kernel density estimate of b, at b or if resample, at resample """ # gaussian kernel selection by Scott's rule, see: # # scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.html if ksigma is None: sigma = np.sqrt(np.cov(b)*len(b)**(-.4)) else: sigma = ksigma print(sigma) if resample is None: samples = b.reshape(-1, 1) else: samples = np.asarray(resample).reshape(-1, 1) MSD = np.apply_along_axis(g_err, 1, samples, b, rdif, sigma, scale, zero=True) MAD = np.apply_along_axis(g_err, 1, samples, b, adif, sigma, scale, zero=True) i = samples.flatten() result = np.stack((i, MAD[:,0], np.maximum(MAD[:,1], 0), MAD[:,2], MSD[:,0], MSD[:,1], MSD[:,2], MSD[:,3])).T return result
[docs]def error_lgw(x, adif, rdif, coefs, y, t=0.0): c = coefs[:,0:1] i = coefs[:,1:] weights = softmax((x+i/c)*c, 0) header = ['category','MSD.025', 'MSD.05', 'MSD', 'MSD.95', 'MSD.975', 'MAD.025', 'MAD.05', 'MAD', 'MAD.95', 'MAD.975', 'neff'] print(''.join([f'{i: >10}' for i in header])) for i, w in enumerate(weights): row = (list(conf_box([rdif,], [w,], ci=.9, ciw=.95, nsamp=1000, t=t)[0].values()) + list(conf_box([adif,], [w,], ci=.9, ciw=.95, nsamp=1000, t=t)[0].values()) + [np.sum(w[w >=t]),]) print(f'{i: >10}' + ''.join([f'{j: >10.05f}' for j in row])) result = np.stack((x, adif, rdif, weights[0], weights[1], weights[2], y)).T return result
[docs]def weighted_quantile(d, q, w=None, t=0.0): if w is None: return np.quantile(d, q) else: si = np.argsort(d) d = np.asarray(d)[si] w = np.asarray(w)[si] d = d[w >= t] w = w[w >= t] cw = np.cumsum(w) cw = cw - cw[0] midp = np.asarray(q) * cw[-1] li = np.searchsorted(cw, midp, side='right') - 1 ri = np.where(np.isclose(q, 1), li, li+1) dn = np.where(np.isclose(q, 1), 1, (cw[ri] - cw[li])) result = d[li] + (d[ri] - d[li]) * (midp - cw[li])/dn return result
[docs]def weighted_median(d, w=None, t=0.0): return weighted_quantile(d, .5, w, t)
[docs]def kernel(d, w=None, mi=None, mx=None, n=1000, t=1e-4, bws=.5): """prepare a gaussian kernel bws is a scale factor to the bw_method gaussian kernel selection by Scott's rule, see: scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.html """ if w is None: neff = len(d) else: d = d[w >= t] w = w[w >= t] neff = np.sum(w)**2 / np.sum(w**2) try: k = stats.gaussian_kde(d, weights=w, bw_method=neff**(-1./(1+4))*bws) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: vstats = {'min': 0, 'max': 0, 'median': 0, 'mean': 0, 'coords': [0], 'vals': [0]} else: if mi is None: mi = np.min(d) if mx is None: mx = np.max(d) inc = (mx - mi)/(n+1) vstats = {'min': mi, 'max': mx, 'median': weighted_median(d, w, t), 'mean': np.average(d, weights=w), 'coords': np.arange(mi, mx + inc/2, inc) } vstats['vals'] = k(vstats['coords']) return vstats
[docs]def box_stats(d, wg=None, ci=.75, ciw=.95, t=0.0): qs = np.array([.5 - ciw/2,.5 - ci/2, .5, .5 + ci/2, .5 + ciw/2]) ps = [weighted_quantile(d, q, wg, t=t) for q in qs] keys = ['whislo', 'q1', 'med', 'q3', 'whishi'] return dict(zip(keys, ps))
[docs]def bootsamps(samples, d, w=None): i = np.random.choice(np.arange(d.size), size=d.size) if w is not None: return np.average(d[i], weights=w[i]) else: return np.average(d[i])
[docs]def conf_box(x, w=None, ci=.75, ciw=.95, nsamp=100, t=0.0): """bootstrap a confidence interval for the mean of a weighted sample""" bstats = [] if w is None: w = (None,)*len(x) for d, wg in zip(x, w): d = np.asarray(d) samples = np.zeros((nsamp, d.size)) boots = np.apply_along_axis(bootsamps, 1, samples, d, wg) bstats.append(box_stats(boots, None, ci, ciw, t=t)) return bstats
[docs]def quant_box(x, w=None, ci=.75, ciw=.95): """create box and whiskers for weighted data""" if w is None: w = (None,)*len(x) return [box_stats(d, wg, ci, ciw) for d, wg in zip(x,w)]
[docs]def softmax_c(x, coefs): c = coefs[:,0:1] i = coefs[:,1:] return softmax((x+i/c)*c, 0)
[docs]def train_logit(xt, yt, w): logreg = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial', max_iter=1000000, tol=1e-6, class_weight=w), 1), yt) smaxc = np.vstack((logreg.coef_.flatten(), logreg.intercept_)).T return smaxc